There is this myth that in a multi-car crash, the last driver to strike another car is always at fault, as well as the car that started off the chain reaction accident. However, this is not always true. The facts of the accident must be taken into consideration instead of blanket generalizations. It is important to determine who caused the accident through a thorough investigation of all the facts, including testimonies from witnesses of the accident.
What are multi-vehicle car accidents?
Multivehicle crashes are when one vehicle strikes another vehicle with enough force that that vehicle then strikes another vehicle. This can continue in a chain reaction if the vehicles are close enough together or if there is enough force, or during busy rush hour times when there are lots of cars on the road.
These accidents are broken down into different subtypes, such as rear-end collisions, intersection accidents, sideswipe accidents, etc. They can occur on highways, backroads, neighborhood streets, and anywhere else people drive. The only thing that really makes them a chain reaction accident is if one driver hits another, who then hits at least one other vehicle or person. In the most severe multi-vehicle crashes, there are several vehicles involved.
Who is liable for my multi-vehicle crash-related injuries?
Determining fault is essential for winning the most compensation for your personal injury claim. There are a few people who are likely to share most of the responsibility for the accident. The first person is, of course, the driver who caused the initial crash. Others could be liable, too, for the crash.
Unfortunately, they are quite common and always surprising. If you have ever been sitting at a red light and had a car coming behind you so quickly that it made you wonder if it would hit you, then you have probably thought ahead about what to do and how to get out of the way of other cars.
What To Do After A Multi-Vehicle Accident
According to personal injury law experts, in order to maximize your chances of getting the settlement that you want, you will need to take the right steps. One of the easiest ways to ruin your case before it’s had a chance to be investigated is to say anything at the scene of the accident that could be used against you by the insurance company or other drivers, such as admitting fault or expressing that you believe you caused the accident.
Multivehicle accidents can be extremely overwhelming and involve a lot of people. Be mindful of what you say. Be polite and cordial, but remember that you have the right to not engage with other drivers.
After your accident, it is important for you to check on other passengers in your vehicle, and any other drivers or other people affected. Keep in mind that there could’ve been pedestrians, motorcyclists, or bikers who were involved in the accident. Do not assume anyone will call 911 for you. If you do not have a phone available, then ask a bystander to call for you. Let the dispatcher know if there are a lot of injured people who need medical systems.
Next, go immediately to your nearest emergency room for evaluation. Then you should call a personal injury attorney.
Photo by Kehn Hermano from Pexels

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