My Car Quest

March 3, 2025

This Seems Like A Great Deal On A Ferrari 246 GT

by Mike –

Below is a screen shot of an ad for a Ferrari 246 GT for sale for $11,455. The ad is in the Classic Cars For Sale.

My thanks to Manfred for sending this to me. I have asked the owner of the classified ad site to check it out.

I have also sent an email to the seller asking where I can inspect this beauty.

Screen Shot 2013-01-03 at 11.08.43 AM

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  1. Forget yesterday’s Corvette and today’s overpriced Corvette! Give me this Ferrari Dino 246GT at this very reasonable price!!! This is a true bargain for such a beautiful and rare car, and an exotic Italian supercar at that. If this price is correct, I would prefer to have this car over the two Corvettes!!! Glenn in the Bronx, NY

  2. Wow, there has to be a misprinted digit in that price somewhere. Even if the car was radioactive, i can’t imagine anyone giving it away for 11k. Perhaps it is being offered for sale by the same guy who told me someone in Nigeria left me a million dollars. 😉

  3. It’s a scam… or a wife selling her husband’s pride and joy to get back at him ))

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