My Car Quest

July 27, 2024

A Better Way To Comment On My Car Quest

by Mike –

I receive emails from many of you that I think would be interesting Comments for all to read. After looking into the software that controls the Comments on My Car Quest I discovered a feature that allows for Comments without logging in!

The Comment will still be moderated. The Comment form at the bottom of each Post looks like this image below and it is very easy to use.

My Car Quest

In the Name Box type in your screen name, in the Email Box insert your email address and if you have a web site put the URL in the Website Box.

Type your Comment in the big open box and if you want to stay in the loop check the “Notify me of followup comments via email” Box.

Hit the green “Post Comment” button and you are done.

It is so much easier than the old method – give it a try!

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