by Wallace Wyss –
I am not on the PR staff but I feel like a PR man waving the flag to call attention to this new $100 million dollar movie (Ford v Ferrari), a racing drama set in the mid-60s.
My interest goes back to my authorship of three books on Shelby and his cars. I am eager to see how the Sixties plays in the year 2019 and whether the film will find an audience.
There are now, on the eve of its Nov. 15th US release, no less than three trailers for Ford v Ferrari. Each successive one reveals it is going to be more of a buddy-buddy movie (Shelby and his lead driver Ken Miles) than just about the racing.
There’s also a strong family angle with Miles’ wife greatly concerned over the ever-increasing risks he was taking for his boss Shelby. In fact, Miles died at the wheel testing an experimental Ford prototype, the J-car, on a track at Riverside, CA.
Ford v Ferrari – aka Le Mans ’66
All the trailers can be found on this site, including the latest one, which again highlights the family dramas behind what was going on out at the track.
The film is called Le Mans ’66 in Europe. It makes its European debut Nov. 8th.
Let us know what you think in the Comments.
THE AUTHOR: Wyss’ last book on Shelby, entitled SHELBY The Man The Cars The Legend can be ordered from Enthusiast Books.
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