by Mike Gulett –
One of the Ford GT40 replica cars used in the movie Ford v Ferrari is up for auction by Mecum in Kissimmee, Florida January 2-12, 2020.
This is not just one of the regular cars this is one of the two main race cars that were portrayed in the movie as the Ken Miles car at Le Mans 1966.
Mecum writes,
Signed by Ken Miles’ 1966 crew chief, Charlie Agapiou, and Peter Miles, Ken Miles’ son, this is the Hero Car that appears in the new “Ford v Ferrari” released on November 15, the car that has been showcased in trailers for the film, at various red carpet events alongside the stars of the film, on ESPN, and on CBS Sunday Morning. Lightning strikes but once—while owning an original GT40 racecar from 1966 is likely impossible, the opportunity of catching this lightning bolt in a bottle is here and now.
It also appears to be the GT40 portrayed in the movie poster below.
What do you think it will sell for? How much of a premium will the movie connection add to the value?
Let us know what you think in the Comments.
All car photos compliments of Mecum.

I had wondered how long it would take before the hyper activity hit. In my mind , this is much faster than one would expect, but the movie did a great job of highlighting the important parts of the GT40 history. I look forward to seeing the final outcome of the sale.
Can anyone describe the technical differences between this car and the real ones? Thanks
In a world where the real cars are becoming too valuable to race, these lovely recreations make a lot of sense… Amazing how many vintage race groups are now not only allowing but encouraging nice recreations to race… They visually still create a lot of excitement and offer an opportunity to people who may not be quite as well off as the ones who have the originals and this is now a famous car thanks to the movie. I say good on the new owner.
~ Seems to me that owning an original limits the range of performance demands.. A tribute, on the other hand if you have the money to play, you can enjoy its abilities in full.