My Car Quest

October 18, 2024

Dos and Don’ts After Being Involved In a Car Accident

Being involved in a car accident is not anyone’s idea of fun. This traumatic experience is often accompanied by confusion and mental chaos, making it difficult to think clearly about the next steps to take. However, how you act after a car crash can make your life after the accident either harder or less stressful. In this article, we will explore a few dos and don’ts you should abide by after encountering a car crash.

The Don’ts

Don’t Neglect Medical Attention

Nothing is more important than your safety and wellness as far as road accidents are concerned. You may have suffered injuries that appear minor, but failure to see the doctor is one of the worst mistakes people make after a car accident. You never know if you suffered internal injuries until you’re checked by a professional. If medical issues stem from the incident some time down the line, it will be hard if not impossible to prove that they arose from the accident.

Don’t Flee the Scene

Hit-and-run accidents are common. Many drivers think that if they bump into another vehicle and speed off, they can escape the blame and frustrations associated with car crashes, but the effects of a car accident go far and wide. More often than not, such drivers find themselves in deeper trouble. The accident might not have been your fault in the first place. Let the police, insurance companies, and lawyers do their job, even if you think you might have caused the accident.

Apollo GT Accident

Don’t Admit to Fault

After an accident, many people will engage their fellow road users to find out if they are okay, and so forth. While being polite and apologetic is not a bad thing, ensure your engagements after the accident won’t appear as if you are admitting to guilt in any way. This might be used against you when seeking compensation or filing a personal injury claim.

The Dos

Do Inform Your Insurance Company

After an accident, some drivers may offer to foot your medical bills, repair your vehicle, and pay for other damages resulting from the accident. At first, this might sound like a lucrative deal and you could be tempted to take it, but are you sure this is the compensation you deserve for your damages and injuries? After an accident, always inform your insurance company as well as the other party’s insurer.

Do Talk To a Lawyer

Insurance companies are businesses just like any other. This means that they may try to deny or limit your car accident claims. They can exploit every opportunity they get at your peril. According to a St. Louis car accident lawyer, car accident settlements include an approximate value of what could be determined by the jury for pain and suffering. Working with an experienced accident attorney is the best way to get fair compensation as a car accident victim.

Finally, don’t forget to call for help when you need it while at the accident scene. If you can, you should also take photos and record the details of the other vehicle as these could help your case. With the above few points in mind, navigating a car accident can be less of a hassle.

Let us know what you think in the Comments.

Photo by Don Bryan.
Dos and Don’ts After Being Involved In a Car Accident
Article Name
Dos and Don’ts After Being Involved In a Car Accident
Being involved in a road accident is not anyone’s idea of fun. Here are some tips if this happens to you.


  1. That’s my car in the photo. I still remember that night, it happened so fast, just driving along and next thing you know I’m in this long 180 degree slide. Thats what it felt like anyway. I still can’t believe I walked away without a scratch, only my leather jacket was ripped. I’m going to have to give update that thread with some pics.
    I would stop by the shop repairing your car every week , heck every day and pester them until the car is done and hope that they don’t take advantage of you. There is a lot of that going on even with insurance claims. Trust no one until it’s complete.

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