Big brake kits vs Standard brakes
Are you thinking about updating the brake system? Are you unsure whether to keep the standard brakes or switch to high-performance brakes? If so, we have a question for you: Have you made any significant power or performance improvements to your car? If your answer is yes, then your vehicle will most likely need a large brake kit.
The relationship between performance and brakes.
There is a general rule among car owners. For every $2 invested in power/performance, you need to invest $1 in a brake system upgrade. This is because the more power your car produces, the harder it will rein in your beast when it is moving at high speed. In other words, you need a braking system that can stop your fast car in a second. Standard brakes for less money are made for your car in its standard form, not when it’s pumped up with performance updates.
To upgrade your brakes, you have two options:
• Buy all individual parts, including brake discs, brake pads, etc.
• Buy Big brake kits.
What is a big brake kit?
A big brake kit is a complete set that allows you to upgrade your car’s brake system. The high-quality large brake kit includes all the necessary components, including:
• Core rotors (or solid disks)
• Calipers
• Performance brake pads
• Brake fluid
• Reinforced hoses
• Pad sensors (depends on the vehicle).
Large brake kits are usually needed for serious high-performance work, including:
• Full-fledged racing
• Driving through the streets of the city
• Any other types of riding.
Larger brakes improve performance by increasing the working area of the brake rotor. This increases the “braking capacity” of the braking system. Simply put, the brake discs and pads are more oversized. This means that the pads have more surface to grab onto. To better understand this, rub your hand with your index finger and thumb. You create friction, but it’s not enough to keep your fingers from moving on your hand. Now wrap your whole arm around your arm. Is it harder to rub your hand directly? This is because you capture a much larger surface. This creates more friction.
What’s in the big brake kit?
Prominent manufacturers of brake kits understand the need for profitability. That’s why many kits come in minimal packaging. What matters is what’s inside. An excellent large brake kit contains more powerful components. This includes larger diameter rotors and supporting details that can be applied to both axes. It will have everything you need for a complete upgrade of the brake system.
Can’t afford a large brake kit or can’t find a large brake kit for your car?
You can still improve your car’s braking system by investing in individual parts. High-performance pads have advantages over standard ones. You can pay attention to kits that contain only high-performance discs and pads. You may be surprised at their affordable price.
Don’t forget to keep your balance. To cut costs, many tried to upgrade the brakes on just one axle. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. This creates a problem with the brake power imbalance and can be very unsafe. If you’re going to go for bigger brakes, be sure to do it on both axles.

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