Accidents caused by trucks are one of the scariest experiences you may have, as trucks weigh up to 8,000 pounds and can cause serious damage. The amount of property and bodily damage you experience may require a long time to recover from, which is why commercial truck accidents shouldn’t be taken lightly. When you are injured after a truck accident that was not your fault, you should take initial steps towards building evidence to help develop your case for a settlement.
Take Pictures of the Incident
After your accident, make sure you take pictures of your car and the commercial truck that hit you. When taking pictures, you should cover the entire car, the truck and also focus on where the damage happened. Taking pictures of the road also helps, such as photos of the debris, any obstacles on the road, and tire marks.
Gather Contact Information
You will need to get the truck driver and their company’s contact information. The driver might not know what insurance coverage their organization has, so you will need to contact the trucking company to get that information. You will often see many witnesses who have observed a large crash, so it is recommended to get their contact information too. Witnesses can provide additional evidence to prove who is at fault. If other drivers were also in the accident, get their information as well.
Wait for The Police
Don’t leave before the police arrive. You will need to provide information about what happened and how the accident was caused according to you. This official report can later be retrieved and used as evidence.
Get Medical Treatment Immediately
Your injuries should be treated so that you don’t suffer the serious consequences of injuries worsening or appearing at a much later date. A medical doctor will let you know all of the injuries you received from your accident.
Contact Your Lawyer
When an attorney gets on your case, they will help you prove that the truck driver is at fault using the evidence you provided. They will also find additional evidence, for example, from traffic cameras, the truck’s black box, and other reliable concrete data. Your lawyer will protect you from insurance companies by informing you on how to communicate with them. You might get offered a settlement by the other party’s insurance company, but your lawyer will advise you against that before they estimate a more accurate settlement compensation.
Contact Your Insurance Company
You will have to reach out to your insurance company and let them know exactly what happened. Your insurance company may provide additional assistance, such as coverage for your injuries, property damage, and a rental car while your car is being fixed. More than likely, your damages may exceed that of your insurance company’s provisions. This is why a lawyer can help you with getting the compensation you deserve.
What’s Next After a Commercial Truck Accident?
Commercial truck accidents can result in severe damage to your physical and emotional wellbeing. You may have injuries that take a long time to heal from or permanent disabilities. When this is the case, you can consult with an attorney to help you get a settlement. You can read more on this URL to learn more about the process.
Image by RENE RAUSCHENBERGER from Pixabay

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