My Car Quest

March 3, 2025

Safe Parking Tips for Truck Drivers

Finding parking as a truck driver can be tough, it is made even tougher when looking for safe parking. Whether a rookie or a veteran trucker these tips to find a safe harbor can be just the thing to reduce the stress and help you enjoy your chosen career to the fullest.

Stick to Routes You Know

Sticking to routes you know can be a great benefit when looking to park your rig. Of course, you will encounter new routes in your career, especially when starting out, but by sticking to a dedicated route it is easier to find safe and specialized parking. The good news is that the drive to fill truck driver positions has increased to strengthen the supply chain there has been increased focus on providing safe parking to truckers on important trade routes.

Turn to Your Fellow Truckers

There are many stereotypes about truckers that are simply false but one stereotype, namely that truckers go out of their way to help each other, is certainly true. When traveling a new route it can be incredibly helpful to reach out to your fellow truckers to find out where they park and other places they would recommend. It is their knowledge that could just make a long haul far easier. There are also federal services that provide up-to-the-minute parking information to help supplement your knowledge base. Visit MigWay if you would like to be part of a career where your fellows will provide what help they can.

Plan Ahead

At first glance this tip seems to be obvious but often the demands of your career mean there is a lot on your plate. That said it might be a good idea to plan your stops and where you’ll park before your journey begins. This can also help save time. This time saving can be further improved by keeping a notebook just for making a record of safe parking areas you come across. With the advent of smartphones, the ability to record your favorite parking spots is now easier than ever.

Parking at Load and Unload Spots

Some truckers have said that sometimes the depots where they load and unload your truck will often allow them to park their trucks overnight. This service should not be assumed as a given but it might be worthwhile to see if such a service is offered by the depot. This has been reported to have increased as a possible parking solution since the recent pandemic in order to provide a safe harbor to truckers.

Put Safety First

Truckers apply the safety first principle to almost everything they do and this can be applied to where you park. Little things like always keeping your doors locked; not leaving your valuables in plain sight; be on alert when using ATMs; parking in well-lit areas at night if possible; and being aware of your surroundings can all make for a safer parking experience.


Being familiar with common driver safety issues can be helpful for people new to the industry. Trucking can be a hard job at times but it can be made easier by following a routine. Included in that routine should be planning your park. If this is not possible always reach out to your fellow truckers for help, you are guaranteed to find some.


Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Unsplash.

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