My Car Quest

July 26, 2024

Iso Rivolta For Sale – Now Sold!

This rare Iso Rivolta GT has been sold on My Car Quest and is moving from Washington to Arizona.

Congratulations to both the seller and the buyer.

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Iso Rivolta GT

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Iso Rivolta GT


* Iso Grifo 7-Liter or Can Am

* Iso Rivolta GT

* Iso Grifo Series 1

* Apollo GT

* Bizzarrini GT 5300 Strada

* Iso Lele

If you have any of these cars for sale then we should talk! – Send an email to –

Iso Grifo and Iso Rivolta GT

Iso Grifo 7-Liter

Iso Grifo Series 1

Iso Rivolta GT

Apollo GT Brochure

Bizzarrini GT 5300 Strada

Iso Lele


  1. Nice! Thats how I remember it sounding. Good feeling to see something you admired restored and taken good care of, I hope the new owner puts a lot of miles on it .

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