My Car Quest

February 14, 2025

Delayed Symptoms You Need To Be Wary Of After A Car Accident

Car accidents represent one of the most tragic ways to lose a life, in part because a lot of the time they can be avoided. The danger extends to a period even after the accident. There are many injuries that could be sustained but go undetected for days and even weeks after a car accident, and many of these injuries could leave permanent damage.

It’s for this reason that it’s important to take your comprehensive healing programs seriously because these are measures that help mitigate and even rectify many injuries that would arise from a car accident. But not all people want to spend money until they’re sure that they really need treatment, that, too, is sensible. So, if you belong to the latter group of car accident survivors, what are the signs that you need to watch out for?


Headaches are some of the most common symptoms that surface a few days after a car accident. The fact that they can be so common is what makes it dangerous, because they can also be indicative of a neck injury, a serious concussion, or worse. Whichever the case is, if you develop a headache after a car accident you need to have yourself checked.

Neck Or Shoulder Pain

Neck and shoulder pain and stiffness are symptoms often associated with whiplash. Whiplash injuries are potentially serious and they require X-ray, CT, and MRI scans for proper diagnosis. Whiplash is caused by a sudden rear-end collision, which violently snaps your head back, thus damaging the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the neck.

Abdominal Swelling

If you experience abdominal pain or swelling, this can be indicative of internal bleeding. You can even check for deep purple bruises, loss of consciousness, or even dizziness. Like most of the other injuries on this list, internal bleeding can remain undetected for several hours, which can escalate a serious injury into a life-threatening injury if left undiagnosed and untreated.

Back Pain

Back pain is an especially dangerous symptom because it is indicative of damage to the muscles, ligaments, or tendons in the back, or worse, it can even be indicative of damage to the spinal cord. The latter could potentially even yield permanent damage if left untreated.

Impaired Kinesthetics And Mental Faculties

If you find that you’re unable to perform physically and mentally in the way that you could prior to the accident, that alone should be enough of a sign to consider that you could be terribly injured. Even problems with vision and hearing should be taken seriously because these can be indicative of traumatic brain damage. In fact, many brain trauma authorities have found that car accidents are the third leading cause of traumatic brain injuries.

There are many things that could go wrong after a car accident. Some of these may leave lasting or permanent damage. Filing an automobile accident claim should be the first thing you consider should you discover these injuries as they will be expensive to treat.

Let us know what you think in the Comments.

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Delayed Symptoms You Need To Be Wary Of After A Car Accident
Article Name
Delayed Symptoms You Need To Be Wary Of After A Car Accident
There are many things that could go wrong after a car accident. Some of these may leave lasting or permanent damage.

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