My Car Quest

March 31, 2025

What Do You Think About The Tesla Cybertruck?

by Mike Gulett –

The Tesla Cybertruck has been out for a while so I suspect most of us have seen them on the road by now and there are first hand accounts online of owning and driving one. They cannot be missed on the road with their straight lines and no curves in the body design.

Tesla Cybertruck

I have seen more than one around town with the original finish, which means it has no paint but only a bare stainless steel body. I have also seen one in black and one in a lavender-like color. I do not know if they were painted or have body wraps.

My first impression is the Cybertruck is huge and certainly stands out from the crowd. I do not mind standing out from the crowd (after all I once owned a Lamborghini Espada and a Bizzarrini GT 5300) but I would be happier if the Cybertruck was a little smaller.

Tesla Cybertruck rear

I also would like paint on my cars rather than bare metal. I thought that DeLorean had demonstrated years ago why we do not really want a bare steel body. Paint serves a useful purpose, in addition to creating a choice of colors. If the paint gets scratched or scuffed it can be buffed out, waxed and then look like new, where as a steel finish is much more difficult to care for and to keep looking good.

As a pick-up truck the Cybertruck is lacking; the cargo bed is small and not easy to access. If I were a hard core user of a pick-up truck the Cybertruck would not be on my list to consider.

It seems to me the Cybertruck was not intended to be a utilitarian pick-up truck but instead is a fashion statement. After all it is one of the first all electric pick-up trucks on the market.

Tesla Cybertruck side

Some owners love it and some do not. Make up your own mind – here is a link to reviews.

Let us know what you think in the Comments.

Tesla Logo

What Do You Think About The Tesla Cybertruck?
Article Name
What Do You Think About The Tesla Cybertruck?
The Tesla Cybertruck has been out for a while so I suspect most of us have seen them on the road by now and there are first hand accounts online of owning and driving one.


  1. I’m not a Cybertruck owner and never will be, But as a longtime pickup truck owner they seem usless as a pickup truck and as a vehicle they arre butt ugly. I do like the Tesla S and some just can’t get enoughn of the Teslla Cool aid. Yes, they look huge in a parking space.

  2. Not a fan of the Cybertruck. Ugly and huge. Definitely a “statement” vehicle only IMO. I do like the Model S and Model 3 and I like Tesla overall and Elon Musk. However, the Cybertruck I think is a waste of resources for Tesla and the engineering and production monies spent to make it should have been spent on other investments within Tesla.

  3. Stephen Schefbauer says

    After reading several Road Tests by respected Automotive Journalists and seeing them on the road and parked,
    I plan on giving them a wide berth.
    According to reports, there is limited visibility for the driver of these so called “vanity vehicles” or VVs as I call them, and at 3 and a half tons (6900 lbs.), bigger then most small/medium trucks, when they hit something, it will leave a very hard to clean up mess.
    I know, let’s make them driverless—then no liability can befall the owner. Sound familiar?

  4. A cross between a Modulo and a DeLorean but on an American diet.

  5. I am the wrong guy for the Cybertruck. I guess there is a market for them. Or at least for the initial hand raisers who wanted one. After those few people buy them it will slow down. I need to be accepting and open minded… its just not my cup of tea.

    In certain markets…. California, Arizona, metro cities in the northeast like NYC or DC pure EVs have a place but the ones that make sense are the Tesla sedans, maybe the Ford Mach E, a Kia EV6…. an EV truck…. nope. Again, just my opinion. It is an attention getter. It is not practical as a truck. As much as I don’t like them I also need to understad that to an average person out there a supercar is not practical and is stupid yet I would want one! LoL

    So for whatever reason someone wants one… to each his/her own.

  6. Fred Johansen says

    Where do EV owners think batteries come from? The raping of the earth, and pollution formed by their manufacture, and disposal far out pollute anything from fossil fuels. How many EV related fires have there been from their inception, in comparison to Fossil Fuels; not including car fires caused by the rubber fuel line eating Ethonal. The greenies are going WAY backwards, but have managed to bamboozal the rest of the World. Keep drinking the Kool Aid, and make sure that you punish California the worst, whilst dong nothing about the China, and the 3rd World Countries who still grossly pollute, and use child labor in their lithium mines. There sure are a lot of stupid people.

  7. Shrink it 15%, lessen the slope of the roof and make it an SUV.
    Soften the edges a smidgin, paint as an option. Then I may consider one.

  8. Robert Feldman says

    Science Fiction Movie Cool, but not very practical. Definitely a “look at me’ vehicle for those that can afford it, don’t need a practical pickup truck, willing to explain it everywhere you go!

  9. I was at my local Chinese restaurant and noticed a cyber truck sitting in the parking lot. It was the owners car. I asked him if I could look at it up close. We went outside and he opened it up for me to see inside. After I asked him why he bought it, “Makes me look cool “ ! He stands about 5’1”.

  10. John Shea says
    Pretty much sums why one would buy a Cybertruck. Look at me.

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