by Mike –
I love this old BMW Isetta video advertisement. Even though I cannot understand one word because it is in German I get the message loud and clear; the Isetta was a practical and affordable family car.
Watch this BMW Isetta video.
Sell your classic Isetta (either Iso or BMW) on My Car Quest – click here.

Article Name
The Isetta - A Brilliant Design By Iso - Produced And Sold Brilliantly By BMW
DescriptionThe Isetta is a practical and affordable family car as demonstrated in this BMW advertisement.
Mike Gulett
The Smart car tries to duplicate what this car achieved many, many years ago. Unfortunately, the Smart car is an overpriced, impractical vehicle that will never accomplish what the Isetta did. Probably the closest thing to the Isetta today is the Tata Nano available in India for about $2500, which is having significant success in that market. Glenn in the Bronx, NY
The video is unavailable, do you have a link that still works? Or has the video been deleted? Would love to watch it.
The video was moved and I have found it – you can view it above now.