My Car Quest

February 7, 2025

Iso Grifo No. 009 Restoration Update

by Mike –

As I said in a previous post I looked at this Iso Grifo for sale in August 2006 in Southern California. This is a very early Iso Grifo, chassis number GL*650009.

Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo No. 009 In 2006

Yes the ninth Grifo made!

Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo No. 009 In February 2012

It was not in very good condition in 2006 so I passed. Today it is more than two years into a full top to bottom restoration. I do not like the cliché, “nut and bolt” restoration.

Here are pictures that I took several days ago at California Classics in Burlingame, California along with some of the pictures from 2006.

Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo No. 009 In 2006

Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo No. 009 In February 2012

Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo No. 009 In 2006

Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo No. 009 In February 2012

A rare missing feature of this car is the air vent on the top of the left rear fender designed on later cars to balance out the look of the same size opening on the right fender for the gas tank filler.

And the gas tank filler lid cover does not have air vent openings. Both of these details are on all other Grifos made after this car I believe.

Maybe a Grifo expert could tell me at what chassis number did the design include these features?

Iso Grifo

The Steering Wheel In 2006

Iso Grifo

The Steering Wheel In February 2012

Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo

The body color has not been decided yet. I brought along my Iso Color Sample Kit for the restorer, Charley Potts.

Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo

It seems like nearly every body panel has been replaced. They are attempting to duplicate the welds just like they originally came from the factory.

Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo

Aluminum Hood

I am very happy that there is an Iso Grifo lover who decided to take on this restoration. It benefits all of us who also love these cars. I hope it is done in time for The Quail this year in Monterey.

Iso Grifo

The Engine Bay

My thanks to Charley Potts for being kind enough to allow me access to his shop again.

This Iso Grifo is certainly going to be one for the record books.

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Iso Grifo

Iso Grifo Griffon


  1. Mike, I think # 010 has the same features

  2. Mike, all of the prototype Grifo GL’s had that same set-up, with the gas door but no matching part on the driver’s side. Once they ramped-up to full production, all the cars had both the gas door cover and matching piece on the opposite side.


    • Darren,

      Thanks – but do you know what chassis number was the first with the matching part on the drivers side?

      And is 009 a prototype or a production car?

  3. Tick …Tock they better get going if they are going to make it to the Quail

    • This car has been accepted for The Quail and now the pressure is on. It has moved into the paint shop. I plan to visit again with the color sample kit.

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