My Car Quest

March 3, 2025

Bruce Meyer On The Bonneville Salt Flats – Never Lift

by Mike –

Bruce Meyer told me that one of his ambitions was to drive faster than 200 MPH on the Bonneville Salt Flats.

Bruce Meyer's Roadster at Bonneville 2012

Bruce Meyer’s ’32 Ford Roadster at Bonneville, 2012

He has now done it – “dreams do come true” he wrote.

Bruce Meyer's Roadster at Bonneville 2012 - The Crew

Bruce Meyer and Crew

Bruce Meyer's Roadster at Bonneville 2012 - Ready To Go

Ready To Go

Bruce Meyer – Never Lift – The Video

Put it on full screen.

Speed and Beauty

Bruce Meyer's Roadster at Bonneville Salt Flats

My thanks to Bruce Meyer for sharing the video and these photos.

I think we all want to do this. Don’t we?

Bruce Meyer's Roadster at Bonneville 2012 - Ready To Go - crew list

Bruce Meyer On The Bonneville Salt Flats - Never Lift
Article Name
Bruce Meyer On The Bonneville Salt Flats - Never Lift
Bruce Meyer on the Bonneville Salt Flats driving faster than 200 MPH is his roadster.


  1. ~ great video! did he say he is 70 years old?
    .you wear it well, Bruce. keep on rolling.

  2. I’m curious, why do they mount the grill and radiator at a 90 degree angle when they are going for speed?

  3. Very enjoyable little video Bruce. I haven’t yet made it to the salt, but it’s a bucket list item for sure. You’re always an inspiration.


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