My Car Quest

March 28, 2025

Stuff You May Not Want To See

by Mike –

In every car lovers life there are times that we see a classic car, maybe our car maybe a car belonging to someone else, in a condition that is not fun to look at or think about.

Here are photos of some of those moments:

Ferrari 360 Modena

Ferrari 360 Modena After A Small Accident

A red Ferrari and a big truck with a careless driver make for a bad combination and no Ferrari driver likes to see a police car this close. This was a bad day.

The body is all aluminum.

Ferrari 360 Modena After A Small Accident

The Ferrari 360 Modena In The Garage Waiting For Parts From The Ferrari Factory

This is a real heart breaker – the Ferrari above was fixed but this Lamborghini Miura below is likely done for.

Lamborghini Miura on fire

Lamborghini Miura On Fire

A Classic Ferrari With The 250 GT Engine Removed

A Classic Ferrari With The 250 GT Engine and Chassis Removed

Someone thought it was a good idea to cripple this classic Ferrari 212 to use the 250 GT engine and chassis to make a replica of another classic Ferrari.

An Iso/Bizzarrini Race Car Crash

An Iso/Bizzarrini Race Car Crash

An Iso/Bizzarrini race Car Crash

A Worse Iso/Bizzarrini Race Car Crash On The Same Day

The two Iso/Bizzarrini race cars above were totaled and history says they were assembled into one car using the front of one and the rear of the other but no one has seen this car since 1965.

Iso Grifo On A Trailer

After 42 Years With One Owner This Iso Grifo Is Leaving Home

Iso Grifo After A Bad Crash Into A Water Buffalo

Iso Grifo After A Bad Crash Into A Water Buffalo

This Iso Grifo above looks totaled but it was saved and is now in excellent condition.

Lamborghini Gallardo Without The Engine

Lamborghini Gallardo Without The Engine

No one likes to see the engine from a fairly new Lamborghini Gallardo Spider removed.

Lamborghini Gallardo Without The Engine

A Close Up View That The Owner Did Not Want To See

Iso Grifo Spider

The One and Only Iso Grifo Spider Rotting In A Warehouse Somewhere in California

Bizzarrini GT 5300 Burned and Left To Rust Away

Bizzarrini GT 5300 Burned and Left To Rust Away

Someone bought this burned and rusted Bizzarrini GT 5300 and hopefully it will return to life soon.


Do We Really Want To See A Car With A Propeller?
In 1923 Leyat Thought We Needed One

This Iso Grifo May Not Be Salvageable

This Iso Grifo May Not Be Salvageable

Someone bought the Iso Grifo above and I hope to see it back on the road sometime, or at least parts of it back on the road.

Lamborghini Gallardo in sand trap

Lamborghini Gallardo in a Sand Trap

It is a good thing that the Lamborghini Gallardo is four wheel drive, that comes in handy when one needs to get out of a sand trap.

Flames From a Bizzarrini GT 5300 Strada

Flames From a Bizzarrini GT 5300 Strada

Fortunately these flames on my Bizzarrini GT 5300 Strada are not real but were Photoshoped by Mike Clarke onto a photo by Rich Truesdell.

If you have photos that I may not want to see send them in! – by email at


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  1. None of these are fun to see, but they are proof that just because you can afford a nice car, it doesn’t mean you deserve it. Some of these “accidents” shouldn’t have happened.
    And others are a good reminder to make sure that you have proper insurance coverage.
    But why do you say that the one and only Spyder is rotting away in a warehouse in California? It’s not out in the elements, and likely not getting much worse for wear. I’m sure we all would love to see it restored and out where people could enjoy it, hopefully that’s in it’s future.

  2. ~ ‘Do We Really Want To See A Car With A Propeller?’
    … or play polo in a car with a propeller?

  3. georgeg20 says

    “No one likes to see the engine from a fairly new Lamborghini Gallardo Spider removed.”

    No one, with perhaps an exception of Lamborghini Dealer Service manager )).

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