My Car Quest

March 4, 2025

The Celebration At The Old Iso Factory And Villa Rivolta In Photos

by Mike –

Here are more photos from the Iso Celebration in Bresso, Italy.

Photos by Zoltan Papp of Hungary

The Old Iso Factory In The Background

The Old Iso Factory In The Background

At Villa Rivolta

Villa Rivolta Parking

This shot above took about an hour or so to set up in pouring rain. Both cars above are owned by Adam Bolcs and he declined to have them painted in the proper colors to recreate the photo below.

The original photo, below, probably only took five minutes to set up.

Iso A3 Continuation In The Old Iso Factory

Iso A3 Continuation In The Old Iso Factory

Iso A3 Continuation In The Old Iso Factory

Iso A3 Continuation In The Old Iso Factory

Iso Isetta

Iso Isetta

More Iso Isetta

More Iso Isetta

Iso Isetta Cake

Iso Isetta Cake

Villa Rivolta

Villa Rivolta

Ivan Lessner, Mike Gulett and Adam Bolcs at Villa Rivolta

Ivan Lessner (Canada), Mike Gulett (USA) and Adam Bolcs (Hungary) Enjoying Villa Rivolta and a Chat About Cars

It was an international affair with attendees from several countries.

Piero Rivolta was very generous with his time and his home, Villa Rivolta. A good time was had by all.

Iso Flag


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