by Flavio Campetti –
The Iso Ecspo meeting at Bresso was born for a reason; to hold an Iso meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Iso Grifo during the time of the huge EXPO Milan 2015, the most important event of 2015 in Europe. Roberto Ghezzi and I were thrilled at the idea of creating an Expo also at Bresso but dedicated to Iso, so an Iso-expo that thanks to the creativity of Roberto became the “ISO-ECSPO”.
We had a challenge to find a date far from other events and also agreeable to the Bresso administration. So we started seven long months of hard work but it was also a pleasure to put together something day by day that became more and more interesting.
So the time arrived…and we saw arriving at Bresso lots of “Isoisti” and enthusiasts. First arrived the Friends Don Meluzio and Bill Cooper from USA, the great Iso fans from Hungary, and all the other fantastic friends, new and old, from Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands (big surprise!) and from many regions of Italy like Tuscany, Piemonte, Veneto, Lazio and Lombardy.
It was hard work preparing the Iso Factory location, to get permission and many other tasks, but it was amazing to watch these historic places fill up with Iso and Isoisti!
We had 23 Iso Rivolta cars (and take into consideration that we missed at least 5-7 that normally would have attended) 9 Isettas, and around 30 Iso Motorbikes. Almost all the production models were present.
It was a “Living Museum”. All were impressed and really enjoyed each moment, from the “Welcome Event at HPE” in Meda (Friday evening) that was simply Fantastic! Going on to Saturday with the “Grifo Celebration” at the futuristic Oxy.gen pavilion, always with the presence of Piero Rivolta, who was so kind to invite all of us to his fantastic Villa Rivolta for a marvelous lunch. Also in attendance the charming Lele Rivolta and Andrea Zagato.
Piero Rivolta came to Bresso from the USA just for the Iso Ecspo. We were so proud of this and for sure he was able to transform a special event into a extraordinary one. All really had a great time with him and we never stop to say “Grazie Piero!”
Later we had other events and cars displayed at the Iso Factory, going on into the night and into the following Sunday, when with a mixture of true pleasure and instant nostalgia, the friends had to leave Bresso.
In these days, the Iso Millennium staff continues to receive messages that tell us all went very well, and the efforts were appreciated. Seems that all the participants hold in their heart a little piece of Bresso, that magic place where each Isoista can feel at home as much as the vehicles that were born here.
Flavio Campetti was born in the Bresso/Milan area and is a classic car lover especially of the Iso marque. He wrote an excellent book about Iso, “Da Iso a ISORIVOLTA, Il fascino di un marchio”.
Photos above supplied by Flavio Campetti and the photos in the slide show below are by Zoltan Papp from Hungary – Email:

What a great event! Was there any advance publicity? If so, I missed it, which is a shame as I would have loved to attend. At least I have got Monterey locked and loaded!