Being Readied by My Car Quest Contributor, Wallace Wyss.
by Mike Gulett –
Wallace Wyss, a frequent My Car Quest contributor, reports he is editing his anthology of automotive fiction, which right now has 25 stories.
“You can’t put them all in one category, say all fantasy or sci-fi. Some are about relationships between a man, his wife and a collector car,” says Wyss.
About one fourth of the stories have appeared on My Car Quest.
“I enjoyed Steven King’s Christine and am going to order his Buick 8 but not every story in my book is about a car with a mind of its own like his,” says Wyss.
Among the story lines:
-a woman secretly buys a Ferrari as a surprise gift for her husband but ends up falling in love with it herself
–a guy builds a replica of the JFK parade car and tries to drive it across the country
-a guy enters a Cannonball type race and devises a masterful plan to cut 150 miles from the route
-a vintage racer enters the sport determined to “become a man” with his victories but has doubts about the risk vs. the rewards
Wyss has sponsored a vintage racer and a story about vintage racer is included. As far as collector cars, he has owned two Mercedes Gullwings, two Alfa Sprint Speciales, and a Porsche 356.
As a fine artist Wyss plans to submit illustrations “but that all depends on the publisher” he says.
Wyss says he is open to combining his stories with those of other authors. “The book could have 30-50 stories,” he says.
He is still looking for a publisher, and laments the lack of publishers specializing in automotive fiction. He can be reached at
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