My Car Quest

January 26, 2025

The Malibu Event Persists

Text and photos by Wallace Wyss –

I tried to figure out, for the last thirty weeks or so why the impromptu Cars & Coffee (Malibu Car Show) at Malibu Village persists. We are in a pandemic after all.

But almost everybody wears masks. There’s an ocean breeze, most spectators are not in the over-60 morbidity laden range (isn’t morbidity the scariest word now?)

One thing I figured out is: there’s no sponsor, no organizer. If there was, he or she would get a ticket. Another thing is there’s nothing for sale (unless you count me, carrying an oil painting on my back..)



Another thing is that it happens to be an event that is 1000 feet north east of the Malibu Pier right on the ocean, and near some great mountain and canyon roads that bring back memories of when I would tear around behind the Ferrari owners Club almost a half century ago, chasing GTOs, LMs and whatnot. I don’t drive like that anymore–chalk it up to youthful exuberance.

Bizzarrini GT 5300

Bizzarrini GT 5300 and Jay Leno

I even caution newcomers of the hazards of the roads–not a venue to fool around, you fall off, it’ a LOOOONG way down. So what’s the attraction? Well, look at it demographically. Malibu only has 13,000 residents. But some make so much money the Bentley gets parked OUTSIDE the garage.

Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo



Others are actors or rock ‘n rollers lookin’ for a gig. What better way to get attention then drive something exotic that goes RHUMPA-RHUMPA. And then there’s dining outdoors, I’m talking mid-winter, still 70 degrees F at noon. At the Malibu Village, new rules temporarily forbid that but hey I bring a picnic basket, buy some warm food take out and dine anywhere there’s level surface to put the food.



And then there’s the people–met all sorts–the latest a Russian athlete (or did she cozy up to me because she thought I knew the secrets of area 51?). Also other creatives, even a stunt man driving a very menacing flat grey ’05 Ford GT.



And the cars, where else could you see a Pagani, a McLaren, a Bizzarrini, an Alfa Romeo GTZ, all in one place, for free? Then there’s oddball things, an ice cream truck playing recorded sounds of race cars. A baby Bugatti big enough for adults to drive. Low riders so low their rockers hit the pavement. Fifties Caddys whose chrome bumpers must weigh 300 lbs.

So as long as it’s held, I’ll be there. And, yeah about the driving. I work on a ranch (an extension of my stint as a cowboy in 1960 on the Bitterroot range) I come from the Inland Empire (nothing Empire-ish about it) but was doing 85 MPH when I was passed by a CHP. He didn’t even look at me. Of course that’s 5:30 am…)

Can’t say how long this non-event will last, maybe until we all get the magic serum…

Let us know what you think in the Comments.

Wallace Wyss

THE AUTHOR/PHOTOGRAPHER: Wallace Wyss can be reached at

Wallace Wyss

Wallace Wyss Wearing One of His Art Jackets

The Malibu Event Persists
Article Name
The Malibu Event Persists
At the Malibu Car Show you get to see a Pagani, a McLaren, a Bizzarrini, an Alfa Romeo GTZ, all in one place and for free.


  1. You know the secrets of Area 51?

  2. Mike Stellato says

    Stay healthy, Wally!!!

  3. Wallace Alfred Wyss says

    Area 51? ,Back in the early ’60s, when I was jawbonin’ auf Deutsch with Wernher (von Braun) he told me..(.damn it, there I go again, almost lettin’ out another secret.,,,)

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