by Wallace Wyss –
The car is based on the Ferrari 612 Scaglietti. The “shooting brake” name came from when M’Lords and Ladies in Blighty wanted to go out on their land and down some pheasants and maybe the guns would scare the horses so they drove. But why take a truck. Why not a sporting car but you need room so they got the station wagon treatment done to the old Bentley, Aston Martin what have you…
The company in Holland is now taking orders for a limited-series production of 12 bespoke Shooting Brakes on one of the most expensive Ferraris, the Ferrari 612 Scaglietti. The conversion costs €225.000 – (ex taxes, ex works).
The Vandenbrink Shooting Brake has been received very well by the press. Methinks it looks as well done as if it had been designed in-house by Ferrari. Ferrari actually had a shooting brake style a few years back. But the Italians don’t call it a shooting brake.
What say you?
Let us know what you think in the Comments.
THE AUTHOR: Wallace Wyss is co-host of Autotalk, broadcast weekly on KUCR FM radio from Riverside, CA.
It reminds me of the Lamborghini Espada – I like it – Ed.
Photos of the Vandenbrink Shooting Brake compliments of Vandenbrink.

A buddy and I used to drive from Tucson to Riverside to watch the Times GP and NASCAR races back in the early sixties. There were as may cool cars in the road and spectator parking lot as on the track sometimes. I remember a D Jag on the freeway and a Ferrari station wagon (“Shooting Brake”) in the parking lot. I had photos of all of this stuff until an angry ex-wife to be trashed them all.
Those were the days. Here is a photo of a Ferrari 250 GTO in the parking lot at Riverside in the late ‘60s or early ‘70s. It was owned at the time by Stephen Mitchell and now owned by Ralph Lauren.
How to Make a Ferrari Look Better????
Not in my humble opinion!
Personally, I prefer the FF
Even the Lambo Espada looks better than that thing….
Even the Mustang Wagon concept looks better than that thing!!!
The Vandenbrink is fugly and hurts my eyes.
That wife that trashed your memories: Some folks get their kicks stompin’ on a dream.
Too many great cars stuck in Ralph Lauren’s garage–including the late Bill Serri’s 1938 Alpha 2900 Mille Miglia
Spider–did the MM in another car but as a team with Bill–Phil Hill spoke to us at the pre event Garage. Phil
of coarse raced the car at Pebble Beach and won the race in 1951
Two years later I was Bill’s navigator in his 250 Monza . I saw the Monza at Meadowbrook where Bill
drove it there. –I am pretty sure he was the only one not to trailer
his entrant there. Told him he had to take the car and myself to the Mille. Unfortunately a brake problem dropped us out early.
Cost me $200 a mile but worth it.
A Ferrari FF is already Ferrari’s factory “shooting brake” – no customization and extra expense necessary. Glenn in Brooklyn, NY.
My understanding is obviously faulty. I always understood proper shooting brakes were open topped or zip lid so the denizens within could stand and actually actively participate in shooting the grouse or bunnies, lions, elephants, or whatever else happened to be the shooting subject of the day………