My Car Quest

March 29, 2025

Station Wagon, Estate Car Or Shooting Brake?

by Mike Gulett - I spent much of my childhood riding around in the back of a station wagon, known in other parts of the world as an estate car or shooting brake. My parents owned a 1964 Mercury Colony Park station wagon which racked up lots of … [Read more...]

Design: Another Ferrari Shooting Brake

by Wallace Wyss - First of all, what is a shooting brake? I have my own theory of how the phrase originated. When m'Lord would decide some morning to go off into the hinterlands of his vast landed estate and shoot grouse or pheasants or whatnot, … [Read more...]

How To Make a Ferrari Look Better: Vandenbrink Shooting Brake

by Wallace Wyss - The car is based on the Ferrari 612 Scaglietti. The "shooting brake" name came from when M'Lords and Ladies in Blighty wanted to go out on their land and down some pheasants and maybe the guns would scare the horses so they … [Read more...]

Two Aston Martin Shooting Brakes For Auction In Monterey

by Mike Gulett - For years I have liked shooting brakes, even before I knew what a shooting brake was, maybe because as a kid I spent a lot of time in the back seat of American made station wagons, like the Mercury Colony Park. We had dogs so … [Read more...]

The Bespoke Ferrari Station Wagon: Forever Wandering The Earth, Will It Ever Find Love?

by Wallace Wyss - Some new to Ferraris think the FF was the first "station wagon" shape applied to a Ferrari. By the factory, yes, but there's been others by other coachbuilders. One I recall is back in the Sixties, there was a perfectly good … [Read more...]