by Mike Gulett –
Artificial Intelligence has been in the news a lot lately and one reason is the new application called ChatGPT created by OpenAI based in San Francisco. ChatGPT was released late last year and has been made available for free, at least for now. You may have read that some educators are concerned that students could use ChatGPT to generate their written reports without much effort on their part and thus have another way to bypass the education process.
ChatGPT is a terrible name, probably coined by an engineer. One suggestion I read was the name “Hal” from 2001: A Space Odyssey but I remember that Hal the computer was not good so I would nix that. I suggest some better names would be “Robot” from the old TV series Lost in Space or “Data” from Star Trek or “Gort” from The Day the Earth Stood Still. There are probably better names but certainly ChatGPT will not last once marketing people get involved.
I decided to try out ChatGPT myself and below is a conversation I had with this AI powered computer about the future of electric cars, gasoline powered cars and our treasured classic cars.
My questions below are in bold followed by ChatGPT’s answers. I have not modified the answers.
Electric Powered Cars vs Gasoline Powered Cars
Will electric cars ever replace gas powered cars?
It is possible, but the widespread adoption of electric cars will depend on several factors such as the development of charging infrastructure, cost, and range. Government incentives and regulations may also play a role.
What are the advantages of electric powered cars?
1. Lower operating costs: Electric cars often have lower operating costs compared to gasoline cars due to lower fuel and maintenance expenses.
2. Better fuel efficiency: Electric cars convert energy from the battery to power more efficiently than gasoline cars convert fuel to power.
3. Environmental benefits: Electric cars produce less emissions compared to gasoline cars, helping to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
4. Smooth and quiet ride: Electric cars typically have a smooth and quiet ride due to the lack of engine noise and vibration.
5. Instant torque: Electric motors provide instant torque, resulting in strong acceleration and responsive handling.
What are the limitations of electric cars?
1. Range: Electric cars currently have a limited driving range compared to gasoline cars.
2. Charging time: Charging an electric car can take longer than refueling a gasoline car.
3. Charging infrastructure: Availability of charging stations may be limited in some areas.
4. Cost: Electric cars can be more expensive upfront compared to similar gasoline cars.
5. Battery degradation: Over time, the battery capacity of an electric car may decrease.
What are the advantages of gasoline powered cars?
1. Refueling convenience: Gasoline cars can be refueled quickly at many locations.
2. Range: Gasoline cars generally have a longer driving range compared to electric cars.
3. Cost: Gasoline cars can be less expensive upfront compared to electric cars.
4. Infrastructure: Fuel stations for gasoline cars are widely available.
5. Maintenance: Gasoline cars typically require less complex maintenance compared to electric cars.
What are the limitations of gasoline powered cars?
1. Fuel dependence: Gasoline cars rely on finite resources and can be impacted by supply disruptions or price spikes.
2. Emissions: Gasoline cars produce harmful emissions that can contribute to air pollution and climate change.
3. Lower fuel efficiency: Gasoline cars typically have lower fuel efficiency compared to electric cars, leading to higher operating costs.
4. Maintenance: Gasoline cars typically require more frequent maintenance compared to electric cars.
5. Noise and vibration: Gasoline engines can produce more noise and vibration compared to electric motors.
Are electric cars easier to maintain than gasoline powered cars?
Electric cars can be easier to maintain in some ways but more complex in others. Advantages of electric car maintenance include:
1. Fewer moving parts: Electric cars have fewer moving parts compared to gasoline cars, reducing the potential for wear and tear.
2. Brakes last longer: Regenerative braking in electric cars can extend the life of the brakes.
However, electric cars can also be more complex due to:
1. Battery maintenance: The battery in an electric car is a crucial component that requires careful management.
2. Specialist knowledge: Repairs and maintenance for electric cars may require specialist knowledge and equipment.
Overall, maintenance requirements for electric cars can vary based on the make and model, just like with gasoline cars.
How does the resale value compare for electric and gasoline powered cars?
The resale value of electric cars and gasoline cars can vary based on several factors such as brand, model, age, and condition. In general, the resale value of electric cars has been lower compared to gasoline cars due to concerns about battery degradation and charging infrastructure. However, as the electric car market continues to mature and improve, this gap may decrease over time. It’s also important to keep in mind that individual resale value can depend on specific factors such as the car’s make and model, its condition, and the demand for electric cars in the used car market at the time of resale.
Classic Cars in the Future
Will classic cars be illegal in the future?
No information suggests that classic cars will be illegal in the future. However, some countries have put restrictions on the use of older vehicles due to environmental and road safety concerns.
What about when electric cars become the standard?
It is possible that restrictions on the use of classic cars may increase in the future as electric cars become more prevalent. However, it is unlikely that classic cars will be completely banned, as many countries have laws and regulations to preserve historical vehicles for cultural and educational purposes.
Will there be gasoline to run classic cars in the future?
It is difficult to predict the availability of gasoline for classic cars in the future as it depends on various factors such as technological advancements, government policies, and market conditions. However, it is likely that gasoline will still be readily available for some time, especially for use in specialty vehicles like classic cars. In any case, owners of classic cars can consider alternative fuel options or conversions to ensure their continued operation.
What are fuel options for gasoline?
Some alternative fuel options for gasoline include:
1. Ethanol: a biofuel made from crops such as corn, sugarcane, or grains
2. Biodiesel: a diesel fuel substitute made from vegetable oils or animal fats
3. Propane: a gas commonly used for heating and cooking, also used as a vehicle fuel
4. Natural gas: a fuel derived from underground reservoirs, often used in fleet vehicles
5. Hydrogen: a clean-burning fuel produced from water through electrolysis, used in fuel cell vehicles
These alternative fuel options can be used in place of, or in combination with, gasoline. The suitability of each option depends on various factors such as vehicle compatibility, availability, cost, and environmental impact.
OpenAI says this about ChatGPT:
* Remembers what user said earlier in the conversation
* Allows user to provide follow-up corrections
* Trained to decline inappropriate requestsLimitations
* May occasionally generate incorrect information
* May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content
* Limited knowledge of world and events after 2021__________________________
OpenAI Mission (from their web site)
OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI)—by which we mean highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work—benefits all of humanity.
We will attempt to directly build safe and beneficial AGI, but will also consider our mission fulfilled if our work aids others to achieve this outcome.
Let us know what you think in the Comments.

That’s a pretty interesting experiment, Mike. I note that the tool doesn’t, in this case at least, extemporize about the topic, but just gives a nicely-organized summary of what’s already known. I confess, though, as an old real-time computer system hack (and avid sci-fi geek), that I’m very apprehensive about the future of AI. I fear that we humans, now enthralled with our early success at imbuing learning-machines with some of our attributes, may forget how damn innovative and clever—and uncooperative—we ourselves can be. Or how astonishingly much faster than us the machines and their operative algorithms are. Should we become over-confident, and drop our guard, we may risk terminal brake failure. And there will be no pit stops.
Thanks for the ChatGPT synopsis.
Mike, you be talkin’ to the devil. boy. Just remember the film 2001 when Hal, the robot, locks the human astronaut out of the space capsule. Robots are all for efficiency. Human are by nature, inefficient. So basically we are on notice the minute we put them in charge. Some of us may live to regret it…..