by Wallace Wyss –
Logistics by Curtis Bien –
I have been to many a car show, in many lands. But one I saw in Riverside at Flabob Airport recently–a Veteran’s Day event–I enjoyed because cars were only a part of it as were military re-enactments. Various uniforms were being worn and each group had a table with the tools of their trade like Thompson submachine guns, bazookas, etc. I liked the bare bones military Jeep (Willys style but probably built by Ford) that had a gun case casually on the outside like you would put on a horse. I didn’t see any half track trucks–probably too heavy to take to an event. I enjoyed the uniforms–especially a South African uniform with his safari cap.
It was 85 degrees F so I felt sorry for those in thick wool military jackets and trousers. At each table they would explain the weapons or signaling equipment and I found it surprising to see no reminder of the war in Vietnam (my era but I wasn’t deployed) or nothing of the Afghan war. But I could tell the uniformed participants were loving to tell the military history of their uniform’s era.
I would be in the market myself for a white dress uniform but don’t want to wear a US one, maybe some obscure country….Iceland? One fellow had a General’s five stars on his jacket but admitted when he had been in the military his rank had been far below general. Maybe I’ll just put five stars on each epaulet of one of my leather flight jackets, vaulting my actual rank far above PFC.
There were few pre-WWII airplanes with radial engines but the only planes I saw taking off were biplanes with open cockpits.
Another kind of club which I imagine would be fun is an all British club where those attending with your Jag, MG, Healey, Aston, Allard et al wearing a racing jacket, stringback driving gloves, breeches, race driver helmet or flat cap. Are there clubs that ask members to wear clothes at events tied in with their car’s era? I have to hand it to Lord March, owner of Goodwood, that at one of his events in the UK, he requires spectators or participants to be dressed in clothes appropriate to their car’s original era….
If we are going to bring an era back let’s suit up properly gentlemen (and ladies…)
Let us know what you think in the Comments.
THE AUTHOR: Wallace Wyss is a fine art car portraitist. For a list of art available write

Looks like it was a terrific event…