My Car Quest

July 26, 2024

The Iso Lele – The Last Iso GT

This year is the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the Iso Lele - the last car designed by Iso. A version of this article was first published in September 2015. by Mike - The Iso Lele was the replacement for the aging Rivolta GT … [Read more...]

A Bright Green Alfa Romeo Montreal

by Mike - Produced from 1970 to 1977 the beautiful Alfa Romeo Montreal was not imported to North America even though the model is named after a city in Canada. The design was introduced in Montreal as a concept car and the name, Montreal, … [Read more...]

The New Sports Car Market Pocket Price Guide Is Here!

by Mike - This past week I received the latest issue of Sports Car Market Magazine which included the 2016 Print Edition Sports Car Market Pocket Price Guide. I value the Sports Car Market Pocket Price Guide not because of the accuracy … [Read more...]

Auto Moto Depoca In Padova – Iso Cars

by Mike - These photos were sent in by Frederick from his visit to the Padova Auto Moto Depoca a few days ago. The Padova classic car event as described on a trade show web site, Auto Moto Depoca is the most important Italian Show of … [Read more...]

Iso Adventures In Belgium – Photos From A Classic Car Lover

by Mike - I love it when My Car Quest readers send in photos and stories. I try to publish them all but I know I take a long time to do so sometimes. Here are some photos below and a slide show sent in by Alexander Oet in Belgium. He has been … [Read more...]

Cars Of The Day – Classic Cars For Sale – All Iso Day: Lele and Grifo!

by Mike - Here is my pick for the classic cars for sale today that I would like to own - all Iso - a Lele and a Grifo. The Lele was in Monterey in August 2012 where I was able to see it in person and it is beautiful. The Grifo was apparently made … [Read more...]