My Car Quest

March 29, 2025

Iso Rivolta GT No. 003 Is Now In Hungary

by Mike –

There are many classic car lovers in Hungary and Iso has its fair share of owners and enthusiasts in Hungary. There are many regular readers of My Car Quest in Hungary too.

Now there is one more Iso fan and My Car Quest reader in Hungary. Here is the beginning of his Iso story.

Text and photos by Ungurián László

Dear Mike,

Please let me share with you my short story. I am a 42 year old business man from Hungary and I live close to Budapest, in Szentendre.

Chapter One

I made a decision last year: I will buy my dream car, an Iso Rivolta GT. I tried to get as much information about the car as I can. I found your My Car Quest web site right away and since then I am a daily reader.

Iso Rivolta GT

Shortly after I started to read your posts, I found a very interesting article, in a special way – about the Iso celebration last year in Italy.

I found two Hungarian names in one article about Iso. What a surprise! I made a contact with Adam immediately by email, my phone was ringing, I picked up and hear: Adam Bolcs is speaking.

Since then we talk to each other daily, thanks to Iso and to you Mike.

Iso Rivolta GT

Chapter Two

I found an advertisement two months ago about an Iso Rivolta GT for sale. I made contact with the German owner via e-mail. I got some photos of the car, which was in ordinary shape. I made a journey to Germany to see the car by myself. I was shocked, the car was in much worst condition than in the photos. But! This was the #003 Iso Rivolta GT.

I made an agreement with the previous owner, and shipped the car to Clusone, Italy (to Roberto Negri’s shop). 

Roberto and Federico Negri have seen the car, which is a transition between the Rivolta GT #002 prototype and the production series cars. We agreed on the details of the restoration which will be started very soon. My intention is to restore completely the Rivolta GT #003 back to the way she looked when she was born.

May I ask you something Mike? Do you have any photos from the #003 or do you know somebody who may have some photos? I would be very grateful if you can help me.

I will speak with Adam soon, he’ll be happy to hear your kindness.

Here are some photos from the #003 when she arrived at il Bottegone. Since then the disassembly of the car is almost completely done and we found a lot of special, experimental solutions.

Iso Rivolta GT

Iso Rivolta GT

I will continue soon.

Best regards,

Thank you Laszlo for your story and the photos so far. If anyone has any photos of Iso Rivolta GT #003 please send them to me and I will get them to Laszlo.

The interior of Rivolta #003, below, has a few differences from the later production Iso Rivolta GTs. Can you spot some of them from this photo?

Iso Rivolta GT

Let us know what you think in the Comments.

Iso Rivolta GT logo

Iso Rivolta GT No. 003 Is Now In Hungary
Article Name
Iso Rivolta GT No. 003 Is Now In Hungary
Iso Rivolta GT No. 003 is rescued by a Hungarian Iso lover and it has begun a complete restoration.


  1. Pete Lyttle says

    Hello Laszlo

    I visited Roberto and Federico last week and saw your car. There was plenty of work happening on your car at the time. It will be a big job for sure and It will be very interesting to watch the transformation back into a beautiful Iso ready for the road. You have saved another Iso. Best of luck with the restoration!

    New Zealand

    • Laszlo Ungurian says

      Hello Pete,
      yes, there will be a plenty of work on my car, it’s almost reproducing, not restoring.
      I can’t wait to see after her rebirth, but I have to.
      Thank you Pete!

  2. Hello Laszlo,

    we visited Roberto 3 weeks ago and saw your car.
    In the meantime they already have done a lot of work.
    I am sure it will come out beautiful like all the other
    cars they did restore.
    The picture showing your car from the front also shows
    on the left upper side a Grifo ready for painting and
    below a Bizzarrini which is covered to remain private.
    By the way, the shown Grifo will be for sale once its
    restoration has been completed.

    • Laszlo Ungurian says

      Hello Gerd,
      yes, I’m in daily contact with Federico, the disassembly is almost done.
      I hope so and I believe my GT will be one of the most beautiful GT in the world.
      Good to know, maybe one day I’ll be able to own a Grifo too. 🙂
      Thank you,

  3. Scott Grier says

    Dear Laszlo,
    I am an American living in Florida USA. I know the Rivolta family, and have meetings each week with Piero Rivolta (son of Renzo Rivolta) and his son, Renzo (grandson to Renzo Rivolta Sr). They are very active in developing real estate and designing ultra-modern luxury yachts. They still have many pictures, documents etc. in the offices that may be helpful to you in your restoration. If you would be so kind to send a way of communication such as an email and/or a telephone number, I will try to assist you with your questions. Piero is now 73, very sharp in the mind, and living very well here in Florida. A new Rivolta has been born to the family as well. I wish you well on your extraordinary project!

    Scott Grier

    Tel: 1-941-724-9610

  4. Scott Grier says

    I have some interior pictures of 002 and 004 that may be helpful, I will find out if there were any changes to 003. let me know how to send you jpg pictures or photos in WORD. Pictures are in Black & White from a Rivolta history book.


    Scott Grier
    tel: 1-941-724-9610

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