by Mike –
Advertisers have used beautiful women to sell just about everything since the beginning of advertising, well actually since before advertising.
This is true even if the buyer is a women but it works especially well when the buyer is a man.
Below is a video, more a slide show, of photos with beautiful women and wheeled vehicles.
Put it on full screen and enjoy.
Some are advertisements and some are just photos of beautiful women with cars or other vehicles with wheels.
Let us know what you think in the Comments.

Article Name
Women And Wheels
Women are attracted to anything with wheels and so are men.
Mike Gulett
Mike, that was fun and awesome at the same time! Thanks!
Surely these ladies count you among their photos with sexy car owners.
Terrific! The Pink Pantera made me laugh. Also, lowly kitcar Fiberfab pulled out all the stops with their model selection! “We might have a poor GT40 copy on a vw chassis, but our model rocks!”.
They have the best slogan – “beautiful bodies by Fiberfab”.