My Car Quest

March 3, 2025

Archives for January 2018

A Factory Hot Rodded Two Seater T-Bird By Chip Foose

The One Ford Should have built… by Wallace Wyss - Photos by Richard Bartholomew - There has to be a high point as a car designer, and I think one of them is being able to tool around in a car you designed. At the Enderle Cars … [Read more...]

Missing – A Million Dollar Ford GT40

It's out there somewhere...if only someone would talk... by Wallace Wyss - When we imagine Ford GT40s in our mind's eye, we see a coupe. Oh, yes, they did build roadsters but they weren’t any faster than the coupes and you had to imagine if … [Read more...]

The 2018 Sports Car Market Pocket Price Guide Is Here!

by Mike - This past week I received the latest issue of Sports Car Market Magazine which included the 2018 Print Edition Sports Car Market Pocket Price Guide. I value the Sports Car Market Pocket Price Guide not because of the accuracy … [Read more...]

The Racer

It is rare for us to offer fiction, at least not on purpose, but Wallace Wyss, a frequent correspondent on events and car history, reports that he has had this idea in his head for years so he had to get it down on paper (or on the internet) to get … [Read more...]

Cars & Coffee, Enderle Center, Santa Ana, CA

by Wallace Wyss - Photos by Richard Bartholomew - This event happens every Saturday 7 am to 9 am. When I first attended this event a year or so ago, I thought it was a one time event for Porsche 356 folk, then recently I ran into … [Read more...]

My Car Quest – 2017 Highlights

by Mike - Below is a 6:47 minute video of the highlights of My Car Quest for 2017. There were 192 posts in 2017, if you missed any they are all still here in the Archives. I hope you enjoy this video and will continue to read My Car Quest in … [Read more...]