My Car Quest

July 27, 2024

Fifteen Reasons Why We Want A Collector Car

by Mike Gulett - As I have recently wrote about in What's Next? I am searching for a new collector car, or a modern car that will be a future collector car. Portions of this article were originally published in November 2014, which means … [Read more...]

Fifteen Reasons Why We Buy a Used Car (Classic Car)

by Mike Gulett - We have different reasons why we like certain car makes and models. We like some cars in a way that we want to own one and we like other cars in a way that we admire the art, the engineering, the shape or maybe the color but have … [Read more...]

A Fringe Factor: Evaluating The Celebrity Car’s Appeal

I like it, most of the time… by Wallace Wyss - When the publisher and editor of My Car Quest began talking about other cars he was thinking of buying, I didn’t see much reference to the appeal of the celebrity car. … [Read more...]