My Car Quest

September 25, 2024

Sports Cars and Classic Cars Blog

Fiction: The Zone

by Wallace Wyss - Lee came across The Zone purely by accident. He was over at Downetowne Books in Riverside, a little quaint vintage bookstore hidden in an alley, when he caught the '49 Ford heading west toward the hotel at the end of the … [Read more...]

Fiction: The Sound of Thunder

by Wallace Wyss - Feliz Von Hoschek was glad they still let him drive in their car events. Not in the vintage races but in the less strenuous point-to-point tours. He was, after all, 95 friggin' years old. But he was a crowd … [Read more...]

The Sunk-Cost Fallacy For Collector Car Owners

by Wallace Wyss - It was a TV show where a young guy was analyzing men-woman relationships. But it was about couples, about women who are courted by a guy, who has some undesirable traits but she thinks, in time, I can iron out those bad … [Read more...]

Delayed Symptoms You Need To Be Wary Of After A Car Accident

Car accidents represent one of the most tragic ways to lose a life, in part because a lot of the time they can be avoided. The danger extends to a period even after the accident. There are many injuries that could be sustained but go undetected for … [Read more...]

Project Car Dreams (While Sheltering In Place…)

Hey, what else do I need? by Wallace Wyss - Like a lot of car buffs, my idle time is spent thinking about what car I would build if I had the money. But the fantasies change, one time it was blonde, I mean at one time is was swoopy doopy … [Read more...]

The Folk Art Influence In Automotive Art

by Wallace Wyss - Though I like European cars, my tastes in fine art harkens back to Americana, "folk artists" like Thomas Hart Benton and Edward Hopper. Both painted scenes of American life in the 1920s, featuring the early days of … [Read more...]