My Car Quest

March 1, 2025

The Importance of Being Nostalgic

by Wallace Wyss - I happened to see in a recent issue of Motorsport, a fine British vintage car magazine, an ad for The Goodwood Revival 2022. The ad caught my eye because it was in black and white (or perhaps that brownish alternative that … [Read more...]

Happy Thanksgiving USA!

by Mike Gulett - Thank you all for reading, contributing, donating, commenting and making this an interesting journey for one more year! Happy Thanksgiving to all American readers and happy Thursday to everyone else. Today is the 12th … [Read more...]

The Best of France & Italy-2022: A Quick Buzz Through

by Wallace Wyss - I think this is a near perfect car show as far as being free of awards and judges fretting about--worrying over such details as did those wing nuts come in brass or aluminum? The Best of France and Italy is presented by the same … [Read more...]

Events: Doin’ The Huff – October 22, 2022

Bo Huff Rockabilly Car Show (Huffarama) that is - San Manuel Stadium San Bernardino, California. Text by Wallace Wyss and photos by Richard Bartholomew - As an automotive reporter, I go to a lot of car shows. Some are sponsored by automakers, … [Read more...]

Bizzarrini Should Have a Class at Pebble Beach in 2023

I pointed out to Wallace that the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance had a Bizzarrini class in 2016 and would likely not have another one for many years. After thinking about this subject for a while I decided to post this because the important people … [Read more...]

San Marino Motor Classic – 2022

Text by Wallace Wyss and photos by Bruce Caron - For those who didn't want to drive from Los Angeles to Monterey there was a classic car show right in Los Angeles only a few days later, the San Marino Motor Classic. San Marino is a plush … [Read more...]