My Car Quest

July 5, 2024

Sports Cars and Classic Cars Blog - News

Editorial: The Coming Death (and Re-Birth) of Varoom

by Wallace Wyss - Back when I was a wet behind the ears copywriter on the Chevrolet account, in the Sixties, one headline I wrote was selected for an ad. Not sure if it was for a Camaro or Corvette but the key word was the one word headline … [Read more...]

The Big Changeover: How Robotaxis Will Change the Car Industry Forever

by Wallace Wyss - Elon Musk, even as we speak, is fighting for the validity of "full self driving" in court. That's the name of the option he sells on Teslas, though, to my knowledge, it hasn't been approved for use in all states and even where … [Read more...]

Saving Money on Car Maintenance and Cleaning

People who want to save money or who require a specific part that a company no longer manufactures might consider buying used car parts. Proper car maintenance also includes cleaning the car properly and regularly. Used Parts Purchasing … [Read more...]

Is Hiring An Auto Accident Lawyer Expensive?

Auto accident claims can be complicated, and insurance companies' coverage explanations may leave you in the dark. You need clarity to file an air-tight case that gives you the compensation you deserve. Hiring an auto accident lawyer helps you get … [Read more...]

Pondering the Folly of Flippery of the Annual Model Change

A matter of philosophy. by Wallace Wyss - In pondering the (sales) success of Tesla (Never no mind the inexplicable down-in-the-dumps stock price) I always come back to one of its core secrets that is so obvious you wonder how can the rest … [Read more...]

Car Accidents: Common Causes And Ways A Lawyer Can Help

Car accidents can be devastating, both physically and emotionally. They can leave victims with injuries requiring extensive medical treatment and even result in long-term disabilities. While car accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, some … [Read more...]