My Car Quest

July 3, 2024

Sports Cars and Classic Cars Blog - News

Editorial: Tesla vs Detroit

Tesla Wins Another Round. by Wallace Wyss - This battle never was of forces evenly matched. Tesla started out almost in somebody's garage like Apple, but they always had a different mission--to electrify the automobile industry. Detroit … [Read more...]

Opinion: Let’s Admit It – Robotaxis are a Flop

The bloom is off the rose so to speak. By Wallace Wyss - I'm talking about the latest pie-in-the-sky panacea foisted upon us: driverless taxis. San Francisco has been experimenting with it. Caroline Graham described the ensuing chaos in The … [Read more...]

Farewell to Giotto Bizzarrini, Creator of Legends

The car world would have been very dull without him.* by Mike Gulett - Giotto Bizzarrini (6 June 1926 – 13 May 2023) died on May 13, 2023 at the age of 96 in Rosignano in the province of Livorno, Italy where he was in a nursing home. The … [Read more...]

Steve Wozniak Gives Elon Musk and Tesla an Earful

A Way Out for Elon... by Wallace Wyss - An editorial on a site called quotes another wunderkind of the Silicon Valley Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. This website quotes Wozniak arguing that "the Elon Musk-led company's … [Read more...]

All the World’s a Stage

by Wallace Wyss - One of my favorite lines from an auto writer is when Ron Wakefield once wrote in Road & Track "I have seen the future and it's no longer such a long way off." I recently wrote about Ford planning to offer as an option … [Read more...]

Editorial: The Coming Death (and Re-Birth) of Varoom

by Wallace Wyss - Back when I was a wet behind the ears copywriter on the Chevrolet account, in the Sixties, one headline I wrote was selected for an ad. Not sure if it was for a Camaro or Corvette but the key word was the one word headline … [Read more...]