My Car Quest

March 4, 2025

Why We Buy Certain Classic Cars

by Mike Gulett - There are different reasons why we like certain classic car makes and models. We like some cars in a way that we want to own one and we like other cars in a way that we admire the art, the engineering, the shape or maybe the … [Read more...]

Book Review: DeLorean The Rise, Fall And Second Acts of the DeLorean Motor Company

Title: DeLorean The Rise, Fall And Second Acts of the DeLorean Motor Company Format: Hardbound Author: Matt Stone Publisher: Motorbooks Int. Length: 192 pages Price: $40 Review by Wallace Wyss - I knew Matt Stone from Motor Trend, I … [Read more...]

Party Hardy…In San Marino

by Wallace Wyss - The Dinner I just went to the San Marino Motor Classic, which is not in San Marino Italy, but in the enclave of San Marino, California nearby (or maybe surrounded by) Pasadena. I think it was a good thing. Not only did … [Read more...]

30th Anniversary British Car Festival: Altoona, Pennsylvania

by Derek Meluzio - There are certain car shows or major concours that you circle on your calendar or you think about them and plan for them months in advance. Heck, I know literally the day after the Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals … [Read more...]

Death of a Dream Car

by Wallace Wyss - You aren't supposed to buy them of course. When car companies make concept cars (they used to call them "dream cars") they often don't bother to put in seat belts or air bags or emergency braking etc. because after all it's only … [Read more...]

The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering – A Fashionable Event

by Desiree Gillingham - Mike Gulett, was juried into The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering event of Monterey Car Week - 2024, in the “Evolution of the Supercar” class with his Aston Martin V12 Vanquish S. He very kindly offered me the … [Read more...]