My Car Quest

March 28, 2025

The End of the Malibu Car Show? – I Do Not Think So

On August 26 I received an email from the City of Malibu (with a copy to Wallace Wyss and someone at the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department). The email summary, The car event that is advertised and was conducted in the City of Malibu … [Read more...]

Collector Motorcycles Are Becoming Even More Collectable

by Mike - For many motorcycle enthusiasts, the greatest thrill comes from riding their bikes on a regular basis. However, there are more and more people who not only love to ride, but who also acquire collector motorcycles - rare and unique … [Read more...]

Board Track Racing – What A Crazy Idea

by Mike - Danger! Danger! Danger! That is certainly what you get when you race fast motorcycles around an oval, banked track made of wood with spectators sitting at the top of the track where they were easy targets for an out of control racer. … [Read more...]