My Car Quest

March 25, 2025

Book Review: Shelby American 60 Years of High Performance

Title: Shelby American 60 Years of High Performance Authors: Colin Comer and Rick Kopec Price: $60 Length: 222 pages Binding: hardbound Publisher: Motorbooks Review by Wallace Wyss - This is a fun car book (the man and the cars he … [Read more...]

The Flip-Top Cobra: It Led the Way to the Big Block Cobra

by Wallace Wyss - The trouble with the 289 Cobra was that it was competitive for one brief moment in time. And Ford, which had been happy to promote the Cobra in ‘63 saw it as a waste of time once they had the 200-mph GT40 under development. … [Read more...]

Charles Agapiou: Shelby’s English Mechanic

by Wallace Wyss - During 40 plus years of occasionally writing a book on Shelby and crew, the most colorful figure I met was Charlie Agapiou (pronounced AGA -POO). He speaks with a cockney accent worse than Michael Caine in Alfie. He is now … [Read more...]

Ken Miles: Looking Back at Shelby’s Key Man

by Wallace Wyss - In the film Ford v Ferrari Ken Mles, portrayed by Christian Bale, an English immigrant to America, is depicted as an irascible trickster, always at war with the establishment. In the film, Carroll Shelby, played by Matt Damon, … [Read more...]

The Long Lost Prototype Shelby Daytona Coupe: The Saga of CSX 2287

by Wallace Wyss - When I first came to California in 1965, I was aware of Shelby American, and visited there to see the new 427 Cobra but didn’t notice the tattered Cobra Daytona coupes parked outside the plant with FOR SALE signs on them. … [Read more...]

Ford v Ferrari Film Review – This Movie Offers a Different View

Wallace Wyss was able to attend a preview of the new movie Ford v Ferrari a few days before its official opening. Here is his review. Mike Gulett by Wallace Wyss - The trouble with most racing films is that they–the producer and … [Read more...]