My Car Quest

July 26, 2024

Event Report: Los Angeles Auto Show 2023

Text and photos by Richard Bartholomew - For over 100 years the LA auto scene has had a gem of a show in the LA Auto Show. Looking at the diagram that they have on the wall at the Los Angeles Convention Center of the shows from the 1920s you can … [Read more...]

This New Electric Car Looks Just Like a ’67 Mustang

by Wallace Wyss - The '67 Mustang is a nice design nostalgically but is it worth tooling up for a 2023 car? Some Brits think so and at the 2022 Los Angeles Auto Show Charge Cars showed their prototype called the '67 (notably not mentioning the … [Read more...]

The Good, the Bad and a Temporary Media Accommodation for the LA Auto Show

by Richard Bartholomew - The Future of Media Day or just a handy application to find emails and links fast on a computer, phone or pad? A one day event was held online on Thursday March 11, 2021 by the Motor Press Guild for automobile … [Read more...]

The Lexus LC500 Convertible Recalls Another Era

Yet it's futuristic too... by Wallace Wyss - Yah, I know, cloth top convertibles seem so 60-ish. Weren't hardtop convertibles once all the rage? But Lexus, in their convertible version of the LC500 coupe, chose to have an old fashioned fabric … [Read more...]

Los Angeles Auto Show 2018

Yes, it’s near the end for sports cars by Wallace Wyss - Photos by Richard Bartholomew - I hafta say, that this was an unusual Los Angeles Auto Show for me because I saw so little cars that lit my torch as in becoming 'A Car I Have to … [Read more...]

2017 Los Angeles Auto Show

Lots of SUVs and, oh, the wagon is back, sort of. by Wallace Wyss - Photography by Richard Bartholomew and Wallace Wyss - SUVs, which some automakers are calling “crossovers” were the big news at the Los Angeles Auto Show preview. I … [Read more...]