My Car Quest

March 28, 2025

The Beautiful Iso Grifo

by Mike Gulett -  Writing about the Iso Grifo Spider recently got me to thinking about my two former Grifos. One was red (serial no. 157) and one was blue (serial no. 101). They both were terrific cars in different ways. The red one had a 383 cid … [Read more...]

Are There Any Bargains During The Monterey Car Week Auctions?

by Mike Gulett - Monterey Car Week starts soon - it has been starting earlier every year it seems. The Laguna Seca Monterey Pre-Reunion & Corkscrew Hillclimb is this weekend. This is nine days before the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance which was … [Read more...]

The Older I Get…

by Mike Gulett - The older I get the more my taste in cars, that I want to own, changes. Maybe some of you do not want to admit this but it is true for me. I am attracted to cars by their beauty and style but underneath they must also have … [Read more...]

My Sheltered Life as a Young Man

by Mike Gulett - Up until my early-twenties I was aware of, and interested in, American cars with little exposure to and little knowledge of European cars. There was that time when I was about 11 years old in Los Angeles when my friend's older … [Read more...]

Cool Cars and Cool Shirts Sold Separately

Recently, at a restaurant, two people mentioned to me that they liked my shirt and one man asked me what brand it was. I was happy to tell him it was a Nat Nast, which is perhaps my favorite, yet little known, brand. Their shirts are known as … [Read more...]

The Iso Grifo – Transcending Cool

From the My Car Quest Wayback Machine all the way back to October 2015 and one of my favorite subjects - the very cool Iso Grifo. Mike Gulett, Editor by Mike Gulett - More and more car connoisseurs have recognized the Iso Grifo as a … [Read more...]