My Car Quest

September 30, 2024

Archives for 2015

My Wife Was The High Bidder On A Bring A Trailer Auction – But Still No Car

by Mike - As I mentioned in the post yesterday about the BMW Isetta eBay auction the eBay “auction” process is really not an auction at all when the seller can cancel all bids and remove the car. The reader comments on this post are interesting … [Read more...]

Did This BMW Isetta Sell On Ebay Or Not?

by Mike - Maybe you saw the advertisement for the ebay auction of this red BMW Isetta recently. Below is an image of the end of the eBay auction (click on the image for a better view). I followed the eBay auction and was surprised when … [Read more...]

This Pontiac Trans Am Is really A GT

by Mike - What is a GT car? The term has been applied to cars that do not really have the attributes originally intended for a Grand Tourer or Grand Turismo (GT). I am sure you all can think of an example or two of a car branded a "GT" that … [Read more...]

Prototype And Production – A Few Differences For The Iso Grifo

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The Nissan Silvia CSP311 Sports Car

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Beauty and Style – The Dodge Charger III

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