by Mike Gulett - Jay Leno is being treated at the Grossman Burn Center after his face was burned in his Los Angeles garage. George Swift, a longtime employee and friend of Leno, gave Access Hollywood an update on Leno, he was working on "a … [Read more...]
The Best of France & Italy-2022: A Quick Buzz Through
by Wallace Wyss - I think this is a near perfect car show as far as being free of awards and judges fretting about--worrying over such details as did those wing nuts come in brass or aluminum? The Best of France and Italy is presented by the same … [Read more...]
Memories of a Motoring Scribe
The day our reporter learned about the demise of American Motors. by Wallace Wyss - It's all so fragmentary--little glimpses of being a motoring scribe come back to me. Cherished moments, some of them, others a nightmare (like the time … [Read more...]
The Seductive Appeal of Multiple Weber Carburetors
by Wallace Wyss - When I made my first engine painting (GTO engine six dual throat Webers) I picked that engine because it had real eye appeal, and ya gotta love it because each carb has two throats, so basically each of the twelve cylinders has … [Read more...]
What Does Driving a Mercedes Say About You?
When we hear the brand Mercedes, we always think about luxury, wealth, and success. After all, this is one of the most popular and well-known luxury vehicle brands in the world. But what do sports cars like Mercedes say about its Mercedes Benz … [Read more...]
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