My Car Quest

July 26, 2024

Happy New Year – 2024

by Mike Gulett - My thanks to all who have contributed to My Car Quest this past year by either providing content or comments and I am especially thankful to Wallace Wyss for his many contributions. I hope 2024 brings you all that you … [Read more...]

Happy New Year Again

by Mike Gulett - 2022 is in the rear view mirror and 2023 is now here! During this eventful past year we saw changes in domestic and world politics, the economy, the stock market, society, technology, covid, new cars, old cars and more. Some … [Read more...]

Happy New Year – 2022

by Mike Gulett - One year ago on this day I wrote, "This past year 2020 has been a dark year for most of us. The new year 2021 looks to be a brighter year, eventually." Did I get this wrong? Maybe and maybe not ... yes the coronavirus is still … [Read more...]

Happy New Year – 2021!

by Mike Gulett - Last year we said, 'Things can't go on like this', and they didn't, they got worse. Will Rogers This past year 2020 has been a dark year for most of us. The new year 2021 looks to be a brighter year, eventually. My … [Read more...]

Happy New Year!

The 2019 My Car Quest Highlights Video is here now. by Mike Gulett - Below is a 5:24 minute video (no sound) of the highlights of My Car Quest for 2019 in photos. There were 211 posts in 2019, if you missed any they are all still here in the … [Read more...]

Happy New Year! – 2018 My Car Quest Highlights Video

by Mike – Below is a 5:51 minute video of the highlights of My Car Quest for 2018 in photos. There were 128 posts in 2018, if you missed any they are all still here in the Archives. I hope you enjoy this video and will continue to read My Car … [Read more...]