Footnotes will be designated by brackets on each side of a number [x] - see the corresponding footnotes at the end of the article. Text and art by Wallace Wyss - Footnotes and photos by Mike Gulett - I remember for the last five … [Read more...]
The Iso Grifo A3/C (Bizzarrini) – Pondering a World Class Race Car
by Wallace Wyss - Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. A genuine Iso Grifo A3/C (Bizzarrini) Le Mans race car driving on the street in Malibu. I saw it just before New Year's at the infamous non-authorized Cars & Coffee in Malibu Village shopping … [Read more...]
Editorial: A Suggestion for Pebble Beach – An Intermeccanica Class
by Wallace Wyss - When I was a kid I'd go to the Greenfield Village Old Car Show, in a village built by Henry Ford to recall America as it was in his youth. But I'd be a little bored because too many of the cars were from the teens or '30s. And … [Read more...]
The Malibu Event Persists
Text and photos by Wallace Wyss - I tried to figure out, for the last thirty weeks or so why the impromptu Cars & Coffee (Malibu Car Show) at Malibu Village persists. We are in a pandemic after all. But almost everybody wears masks. … [Read more...]
C8 Corvette – An Artist Tries to Capture an Elusive Target on Canvas
by Wallace Wyss - An old hand in the car world (you can find me on the masthead of Motor Trend in, egad, 1965...) by now it takes one helluva interesting car to get my attention. But I admit the new mid-engined C8 Corvette has got my motor … [Read more...]
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