My Car Quest

March 3, 2025

Lime Rock Concours – September 2023

by Bob Wachtel - On Sunday September 3 I attended the Lime Rock Concours event that I registered for over a month ago and was accepted to enter. I drove my silver 1999 Dodge Viper GTS coupe there, which is only about 30-40 minute away from my … [Read more...]

My 1963 Datsun Bluebird 1200 Fancy Deluxe Model DP312

By Bob Wachtel- I purchased this car thru an ad in either the Selling Post or BuyLine around 1968 or 1969 for only $125. It was a time when I had to try and be as economical as possible. It had only one problem and the owner showed me how to … [Read more...]

More About AC Cobra 427 CSX 3129

The history of one AC Shelby Cobra 427 - No. CSX 3129. by Bob Wachtel - I was theoretically the 4th owner of 1966 AC Shelby Cobra 427 CSX3129. The car was in British racing green with a black interior. Harr Motor Company in Worcester, MA was … [Read more...]

My 1957 Chrysler 300C Supercharged Coupe

Another one that got away, with regrets. by Bob Wachtel - Around 1962 or 1963 I came across an ad in the automobile classified section of the Sunday NY Times. It was a supercharged 1957 Chrysler 300C in metallic bronze. I believe the owner, … [Read more...]

How I Acquired AC Cobra 427 CSX 3129

Reaching back into the My Car Quest archives to March 2018 I found this interesting story from Bob Wachtel. I love reader stories and photos and I do wish there were more of these. If you have a story about a special car or adventure that you want … [Read more...]

My Car Adventure – The Citroen DS 21 And The Hood

by Bob Wachtel - Many years ago, between my first and current marriage, I was living the bachelor life in a bungalow in the Seagate section of Coney Island in Brooklyn, N.Y. At that time I owned a wonderful white Citroen DS 21. I loved … [Read more...]