My Car Quest

March 3, 2025

My 1963 Datsun Bluebird 1200 Fancy Deluxe Model DP312

By Bob Wachtel- I purchased this car thru an ad in either the Selling Post or BuyLine around 1968 or 1969 for only $125. It was a time when I had to try and be as economical as possible. It had only one problem and the owner showed me how to … [Read more...]

Thanks to Electric Cars Hood Scoops Are Going Away

by Mike Gulett - Another reason to dislike the transition to electric cars is we will see the demise of the air scoop on cars and certainly the beloved hood scoop will be gone. There is no need for a hood scoop to cool the engine of an EV like … [Read more...]

Hood Scoops – Car Art With A Purpose

by Mike - A hood scoop allows air to flow into the engine compartment either to help cool the engine or to deliver cooler air to the engine air intake which can improve performance because cooler air is denser than warmer air. And engines like … [Read more...]

Interesting Collector Cars For Less Than $50k USD-Datsun 240Z

by Mike - Previously we have featured several different classic cars as examples of cool collector cars that can be had for less than $50,000 USD. Today we are discussing the exciting Japan made Datsun 240Z. Datsun 240Z Before the … [Read more...]

Interesting Collector Cars For Less Than $50k USD-Datsun 510 Sedan

by Mike - This is the second installment of Collector Cars For Less Than $50k USD. The Datsun 510 Sedan is an interesting Japanese made car. Unfortunately there are not many good Datsun 510s left because many were used up, raced, wrecked and … [Read more...]