My Car Quest

March 25, 2025

Is The Car Collecting Culture Becoming More Like The Art Collecting Business?

by Mike Gulett - From the My Car Quest Wayback Machine - this article was originally published in October 2014 and the cartoon was originally published in January 2015. The collector car market auction business has grown very fast in … [Read more...]

How Trustworthy Are Classic Car Auction Companies?

by Mike Gulett - There was a time when there was a classic car auction season. In the US there are the major auctions events in Arizona, Amelia Island and Monterey that get a lot of attention (plus the many excellent events in Europe). But now … [Read more...]

Editorial: Are We Going to See the Get-it-While-it-Lasts Car Sales?

by Wallace Wyss - Now that I've seen the publicity around the Ferrari Purosangue SUV, extolling the fact it has a V12, and other stories in car magazines about "the last internal combustion engine from so-and-so" I am wondering, are we going … [Read more...]

Editorial: Trying to Fathom the Lure of Not Driving Your Low Mileage Future Classic

by Wallace Wyss - I have a hard time understanding the reasons people buy an expensive car and not use it. Maybe it's like a savings bond or stock investment wise but who is going to say it will go up? Most cars depreciate. Some, you drive … [Read more...]

Lamborghini Espada Values

by Mike Gulett - Why is the Lamborghini Espada valued so much less than the Lamborghini Islero? They both use the same chassis design, the same engine and transmission, were made at the same time and introduced together at the 1968 Geneva Auto … [Read more...]

Interesting Collector Cars For Less Than $50,000 USD – Triumph GT6

by Mike Gulett - I spent part of my childhood in the Los Angeles area in the 1960s. Looking back on those years now I am surprised that I was not exposed more to European sports cars. My experience in those days was limited to American cars: hot … [Read more...]