My Car Quest

March 28, 2025

Thanks to Electric Cars Hood Scoops Are Going Away

by Mike Gulett - Another reason to dislike the transition to electric cars is we will see the demise of the air scoop on cars and certainly the beloved hood scoop will be gone. There is no need for a hood scoop to cool the engine of an EV like … [Read more...]

Fiction: Rosso Corsa

by Wallace Wyss - Yeah they were astonauts. Whoopee-do. Nowadays, after 2025 anyhow, after what 1500 people minimum had been to Mars and back, being an astronaut was no big deal. It was Harry decided, like being a long range trucker. … [Read more...]

The Ferrari 250 GTO Mystery Is Solved

With the recent news of a Ferrari 250 GTO selling for $70 million USD it started me thinking of other stories published here about the Ferrari icon, the 250 GTO. Here is a favorite. This is a slightly updated re-post of an article originally … [Read more...]

Hood Scoops – Car Art With A Purpose

by Mike - A hood scoop allows air to flow into the engine compartment either to help cool the engine or to deliver cooler air to the engine air intake which can improve performance because cooler air is denser than warmer air. And engines like … [Read more...]

The Winningest Ferrari Race Car – John von Neumann’s Ferrari Hot Rod

by Mike - Road & Track wrote in December 1957, The Ferrari TRC-2500 is without a doubt the most sensationally performing sports car we have ever tested – and we have tested more sports cars than any one person or organization that we know … [Read more...]