My Car Quest

March 3, 2025

Editorial: California a State that is Kind to Cars

by Wallace Wyss - As much as I, a California resident for half a century and more, think about moving to another State with cheaper housing and lower priced gasoline (paying over $4 a gallon now), one thing that keeps me here is the fact that … [Read more...]

Do You Want Your Car to be a Rat Fink?

by Wallace Wyss - The proposed law from the California legislature is that all new cars sold in California by a certain date must have a warning device that beeps to warn you that you've exceeded the speed limit. Like do we really need this? I … [Read more...]

Rolling Blackouts Threaten Electric Vehicle Owners in California

I have received three text messages this week (including one today) from our power company that is the largest in California (Pacific Gas & Electric). Each message said, PG&E Alert: Extreme heat is straining California's grid. Save energy from … [Read more...]

Editorial: The Internal Combustion Vehicle Ban Looms

Two US state Governors want to ban sales of new internal combustion cars by 2030 and 2035. by Wallace Wyss - I thought it was California's self-aggrandising governor Gavin Newsom who first proposed banning new gasoline powered cars by the … [Read more...]

Going The Wrong Way

by Mike - The US Federal Government has a proposal, jointly published by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Department, that would change a 2012 rule that requires automobile manufactures to almost double the fuel economy … [Read more...]

I Have Moved!

by Mike - I have been off line for a few days - literally without a broadband Internet connection because we moved from Monte Sereno to Carmel, California. Boxes are everywhere and it will take a few days to dig out from that! Today at lunch I … [Read more...]