My Car Quest

March 3, 2025

Hydrogen Power for Electric Vehicles?

by Wallace Wyss - We are all supposed to be welcoming an electric vehicle future. But with battery electric car sales in the US stuck at around 8.1% of the market, it's obvious not everyone is buying the Electric Dream. Hydrogen powered … [Read more...]

The Viritech Apricale – A Hydrogen Powered Concept Car

The significance of a second hydrogen powered concept car making its debut. by Wallace Wyss - To get public enthusiasm going for hydrogen cars, there needed to be something sexy. And it's here, the Apricale, developed by United … [Read more...]

What Hydrogen Powered Autos Need is an Elon Musk…

by Wallace Wyss - But Musk doesn't like hydrogen. He thinks it's the long way around getting rid of internal combustion engines. He calls them "fool cells" and a "load of rubbish". He told Tesla shareholders at an annual meeting years ago that … [Read more...]