My Car Quest

March 29, 2025

Iso Rivolta GT, Iso Rivolta GT For Sale, Iso

Iso & Bizzarrini – What A Class!

With the many car events canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic we will not see the car action we are accustomed to at this time of year. I thought it would be a good idea to reach back into the My Car Quest archives and occasionally re-post … [Read more...]

Why Not The De Tomaso Longchamp?

by Mike Gulett - Alejandro de Tomaso was Argentinean but his cars were Italian with American power and oh, some of his cars were styled by an American working for an Italian design firm. Got it? When I think of De Tomaso I think of beautiful, … [Read more...]

All In The Family – Iso Rivolta GT

by Buddy Pepp - In addition to being a loving father and mentor, my father had a passion for automobiles. No, he was not a collector. He enjoyed owning exotic cars as his daily drivers. Growing up, my father had Ford woodies, a 1955 T-bird with a … [Read more...]

Iso Rivolta GT For Sale – SOLD!!

This rare Iso Rivolta GT has SOLD on My Car Quest and is on its way from Florida to Germany! Congratulations to buyer and seller.   1964 Iso Rivolta GT For Sale - Now Sold!! This is a running Iso Rivolta GT IR 300 restoration … [Read more...]

Hood Scoops – Car Art With A Purpose

by Mike - A hood scoop allows air to flow into the engine compartment either to help cool the engine or to deliver cooler air to the engine air intake which can improve performance because cooler air is denser than warmer air. And engines like … [Read more...]

Iso Rivolta GT For Sale – SOLD!!

This rare Iso Rivolta GT has SOLD on My Car Quest and is on its way from Florida to Germany! Congratulations to buyer and seller.   1964 Iso Rivolta GT For Sale - Now Sold!! There has been a price reduction authorized by the … [Read more...]