by Wallace Wyss - If I had to name a culprit, who was behind the appearance and disappearance of a Ghia bodied Cobra roadster I'd say Alejandro De Tomaso. The quirky Argentinian was a customer of Ghia first, having them build his fiberglass mid … [Read more...]
Editorial: Death In The Afternoon
by Wallace Wyss - I don't exactly know when the crash happened, just that it was September 16th, 2021 in Temple City, CA. I was driving and I heard on the radio the words "Cobra...fatal crash." At first the news media thought it was a … [Read more...]
The Importance of a Carrozzeria to an American Automaker
by Wallace Wyss - Car companies make mistakes. To me, one of the dumbest moves Ford did in recent decades was to let go of the hallowed name of a famous carrozzeria (coachbuilder) they had bought degrades ago, namely Ghia. … [Read more...]
Book Review: Tom Tjaarda, Master of Proportion
Book review by Wallace Wyss - Tom Tjaarda, Master of Proportion by Gautam Sen ISBN 978-1-85443-313-8 Dalton Watson, 2021 473 Pages, 825 images $150 plus shipping Tom Tjaarda: Master of Proportions from Amazon Car books … [Read more...]
Editorial: General Motors Drops the Ball on Electric Vehicles
by Wallace Wyss - It is to laugh. Or cry. General Motors just announced that if you own a Chevrolet Bolt, their all electric small car, you shouldn't charge it over 90%. Or park it in your garage. That's because it, uh, might burst into … [Read more...]
Charles Agapiou: Shelby’s English Mechanic
by Wallace Wyss - During 40 plus years of occasionally writing a book on Shelby and crew, the most colorful figure I met was Charlie Agapiou (pronounced AGA -POO). He speaks with a cockney accent worse than Michael Caine in Alfie. He is now … [Read more...]
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